martes, 28 de abril de 2009

Squeeze (The X-Files) (1996), novel by Ellen Steiber

Read two of the last scenes from SQUEEZE (The X-Files), television series script that follows, created by Christ Carter, based on the teleplay written by Glen Morgan and James Wong, novel by Ellen Steiber and focuse on comprehension and vocabulary:

(Scully is siiting in a room at the bureau. Tom comes in)
TOM COLTON: We have to talk.
SCULLY: I have to meet Mulder..
TOM COLTON: That's what we have to talk about. You're using two of my men to sit in front of a building that's been condemned for ten years?
SCULLY: It isn't in any way interferring with your investigation.
TOM COLTON: When we first had lunch, I really looked forward to working with you, you were a good agent, but now after Mulder, I couldn't have you far enough away. Don't bother going down there, I had the stakeout called off.
SCULLY: You can't do that.
TOM COLTON: No, I can't but my regional asat can, especially after I told them about the irresponsible waste in man hours.
(Scully picks up the phone but before she can phone Mulder, Tom takes the phone off her)
Auh-uh! Let me call Mulder, let me tell him the news.
SCULLY: Is this what it takes to climb the ladder Colton?
TOM COLTON: All the way to the top.
SCULLY: Then I can't wait `til you fall off and land on your ass.
(Tom phones Mulder)
This is Fox Mulder, I'm not here, leave a message.
(Scully pulls up outside her apartment. From the darkness we can see the eyes of Tooms, watching. Scully walks from her car to her apartment block and Tooms sees it all in black and white)

66 EXETER ST., 7:25 P.M.
(Mulder pulls up in his car)
MULDER: Where is everyone? Scully?
(Mulder has a quick look around and then runs and enters the building)
(Back at Scully's apartment)
This is Fox Mulder, I'm not here, leave a message.
SCULLY: Mulder, you must've gone out since Colton gave us the night off, I say we file a complaint against him, I am furious. Call me when you get in, ok, bye.
(Scully is in her bathroom, after hanging up, she runs a bath. Scully walks out of the bathroom and outside the window we see Tooms reach up and feel the window)
(Meanwhile, Mulder is in the cellar below Tooms' apartment. As he looks at the table with the trophies, from the murders, he sees and recognises Scully's necklace)
MULDER: Dammit.
(Scully is back in her bathroom, she lifts a towel of the rack and goes over to the bath and turns off the taps. She lifts a small bottle from a shelf, she moves to the side of the bath to open it. As she opens it, a lump of bile falls from the ceiling and splashes on her hand. She breaths deeply, in shock, and then looks up at the vent in the ceiling, there is bile around one corner of it. Scully rushes out of the bathroom and looks for her gun in the apartment)
(Mulder is driving his car and using his phone)
(We see that the phone line to Scully's apartment have been cut)
(Scully is moving about her apartment, with her gun, searching for Tooms. She enters a room and turns, pointing her gun at a small vent near the floor. As Scully turns away from the vent, a hand comes crashing through and grabs Scully's leg causing her to fall. We see the face of Tooms in the vent as well. Scully manages to grab hold of a door frame and pull herself from Tooms' grasp)
(Mulder pulls up outside Scully's apartment block)
(Tooms forces himself out through the vent and Scully, on the floor, backs off into the bathroom. Tooms gets up and follows her in and sits on her. Scully tries to hit Tooms but he blocks it, but she punches him with her other hand)
(Mulder races into the building)
(Scully pushes her thumbs into the eyes of Tooms, but he grabs her arms and pushes them to the floor above her head, exposing her stomach)
(Mulder breaks open Scully's door, and rushes in)
(Tooms, hearing Mulder, gets off Scully and breaks the bathroom window. Mulder comes into the bathroom and points his gun at Tooms. Scully gets up and grabs Tooms before he can get out the window, but Tooms grabs Scully by the throat and tries to choke her. As he does this, Mulder puts handcuffs on one of Tooms' wrists. Tooms elbows Mulder, knocking him to the ground, and turns to advance on him. Scully grabs the handcuffs, stopping him from getting closer to Mulder and then pulls the handcuffs to the bath taps. Scully feeds the handcuffs through the taps, Tooms tries to stop her, but Scully grabs his other hand and fastens it in the other handcuff. Mulder gets up and points his gun at Tooms, who is tugging at the handcuffs)
You alright?
(Scully is leaning against the wall, breathing heavily. She manages a nod of the head)
He's not gonna get his quota this year.
(Tooms stops pulling at the handcuffs and accepts defeat)
1. Use your English and finish these expressions from the text
1.Interferring ….....
2.looking forward to ….........
3.don't bother.........................
2. Answer these questions in your own words:
4.If he had the stakeout called off, what had he done? …......................
5.As a result of calling the stakeout off, is Skully in any danger? Why? …..................
6.What does Mulder recognise among Toom's tropies? Why is he alarmed?........
7.Why is she in shock? ….........................
8.She manages to grab hold of a door frame, what does this move allows her? …......
9.Who does what?
Forces out through the vent:....... hits and punches:....................
blocks it:........................ pushes her thumbs into his eyes:......
rushes in:........................ tries to choke her...................
puts handcuffs on one of his wrists........ knocks him to the ground.............
pulls the handcuffs to the bath taps....... fastens it in the other handcuff.....

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