viernes, 20 de febrero de 2009

Method on 1st Bachillerato Class

Picture from Wikipedia

Read the following text, by Descartes, and find

1. What is a method? How are its rules?
2. How different is following a method in learning, to follow
no method at all or to proceed just 'by chance' or 'at random'?
3. Synonyms of ‘by chance’ , and ‘at random’. Translate them into Spanish.
4. How could the activity of the mind 'be wasted' or 'thrown
away', according to the text?
5. Think of your own mental activity in the class. What does it
usually happen when you stop paying attention and start trying
something else, such as thinking about what you will be doing
after the class, about what you were doing before the class
or just about how you are looking out of the window
absentmindedly at that moment?

By Method (he says), I understand rules certain and easy, such as to prevent anyone, who shall have accurately observed them, from ever assuming what is false from what is true, and by which, with no effort of mind uselessly consumed, but always by degrees, increasing science, a person will arrive at a true knowledge of all those things which he will be capable of knowing.
In accordance with this declaration, it is manifest that procedure by a Method is a fixed procedure, for it is a procedure according to rule. It is thus opposed to procedure by chance or at random.
The cognitive power, by being thus limited to a determinate channel, is prevented from being wasted or thrown away in irregular exercise. The activity of the mind is subordinate to the realization of a given end; the mind itself has another rule that its own impetuosity. Descartes, therefore, to reach truth, and for the right conduct of the mind, that is, to prevent it from wasting its powers in capricious activity, instituted a Method.

Renée Descartes, “Introduction” in Discourse on Method, p XIV

From the above it follows that it would be recommendable to take some methodological steps in your daily thinking activity in the class :

1 Trust your own self-control ability
2 Be patient and constant
3 Focus on the activity you are doing (the opposite would be getting astray, which could be done as follows: By doing a bit of work on one subject different from the one you are attending at one given class period; by not paying attention; by talking to your classmates instead of drawing attention to the teacher or asking him about any doubts.
4 Do not look for immediate success, but listen attentively, since understanding will come over by means of close listening in the middle or long run. Comprehension seems only to arrive after listening, viewing and thinking a lot.
5 Be aware that time invested in study is a very good invested time.
6 Trying and applying what you already know to new fields will lead to the awakening of your love for knowledge.
Six ideas based on the 1st Course of Bachillerato Mathematics(2008), ANAYA

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